Wayfinding digital signage has a lot of advantages and uses, particularly in the advertising industry. But besides this, did you know that a wayfinding tool can in fact be extremely useful in car parking! Wondering how a wayfinding tool can be of any help in a car parking? Read below to find out:


Most of the car parking areas usually has a poorly lit underground parking space making it very difficult for people to find the correct directions. This is a common complaint received by most drivers and vehicle owns. However, introducing a wayfinding digital signage to your parking area can be extremely helpful. It eliminates the limitations that are otherwise faced when you use a traditional signage. For example traditional modes of signage like paintings on a wall can be easily missed out as the driver cannot lose his concentration from the path. As a result of this, there is a high chance of missing out on the directions and getting lost as well. Digital wayfinding signage on the other hand can easily improve the customer experience as the signage can be easily fixed at an eye level, thereby ensuring that the driver does not get lost.

Help in providing security

Car theft from parking lots of malls, restaurants or movie theatres is a common problem. However, with a good digital media signage or wayfinding tool, this problem can be instantly solved and reduced. Try installing a wayfinding signage which can easily detect any fraud by noticing any suspicious activity. This way the security can be easily alerted and the entire problem can be easily averted.

Display crucial information

Other crucial data like operating hours of a parking lot or parking charges can also be displayed on a digital wayfinding signage. This can make the crucial information unmissable and avoid unwanted queries, arguments or problems. With a proper flow of information displayed, the moving in and moving out process of the cars can also be done easily. Many digital signage companies in UAE can help you design a kiosk accordingly.

You can display speed limits

Safety measures can never be ignored anywhere, even in a car parking space, where pedestrians and vehicles are all moving together at the same time. When your digital wayfinding tool has displayed speed limits the driver gets cautious and vigilant about the vehicle speed, thereby abiding to the rules and regulations.

You can also advertise

While digital wayfinding signage can be very helpful in displaying crucial information, it can also be used to create advertisement. This can not only help a brand, but can also be very useful in generating some extra revenue. A car parking space can be used to promote stores either within the vicinity or in the same shopping centres.

There are many more advantages of a wayfinding tool or interactive wayfinding kiosk. You can check out some of the finest digital signage companies in Dubai for the best wayfinding services.